Jimmy Neutron Wiki
Sheen's Brain
Sheen's Brain (Title Card)
Episode 11
Season 2
Airdate (US) March 8, 2004
Airdate (CA) December 7, 2004
Invention(s) Brain Gain Helmet
Previous Love Potion 976/J
Next Maternotron Knows Best

"Sheen's Brain" is the 8th episode in season two of The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius.


The episode starts off with Miss Fowl's students finishing up a history test that was apparently so hard that even Jimmy (the smartest kid in school) found it to be "fairly challenging," although Sheen finds it to be ridiculously easy. However, it soon turns out that Sheen didn't do nearly as well as he thought he did -- in fact, not only did Sheen completely fail the exam, but Miss Fowl reveals that Sheen's grades in general have gotten so bad that he's currently in danger of being held back. At this point, Sheen's only hope of going on to the next grade at the same time as his friends and the rest of their classmates is passing the upcoming math final.

Jimmy and Carl don't want Sheen to get held back any more than Sheen himself does, so they help him get ready for the upcoming math final. They try tutoring him, but Sheen won't listen to them, and he spends the whole study session goofing off. In a desperate attempt, Sheen begs Jimmy to turn the Brain Drain helmet into a Brain Gain helmet to make him a genius and Jimmy reluctantly agrees. The helmet works and Sheen becomes a genius.

The next day, Sheen passes the math test. Unfortunately, as his IQ keeps getting higher and higher, Sheen starts acting rude, arrogant and disrespectful to the people around him, including his own friends. He then tricks Ms. Fowl into letting him play hooky, which makes Jimmy and Carl very concerned. Sheen goes to the Candy Bar, where his head has grown to an enormous size and he orders Sam to give him a free Sundae after correctly guessing the number of jellybeans in a jar. Meanwhile, Jimmy turns the helmet back into Brain Drain mode and he tries to place it on Sheen's head, but Sheen has gained psychic powers and refuses to give them up, so he uses his new mind powers to punish Jimmy. Sheen decides to use his new powers to plunge Retroville into darkness and turn it into his evil empire. He declares himself as the town's evil and powerful dictator and makes Libby his queen (but only after bribing her with robes and jewelry).

Jimmy and Carl then rush back to the lab, where Jimmy does some intense research -- his studies reveal that the helmet's effects will cause Sheen's IQ to grow to infinity, which Carl finds cool until Jimmy explains that what this ultimately means is that Sheen's brain will just keep getting larger in size until this head eventually just explodes altogether (which would, of course, kill Sheen). They decide to disguise the Brain Drain-helmet as a crown and try tricking Sheen into putting it on -- but Sheen almost immediately figures out their plan and decides to punish them by using his new reality-warping powers to torture them, despite Libby's protests. Jimmy and Carl try to warn Sheen about his head exploding, but he refuses to listen and continues to torture them. As his powers increase, Sheen abandons his position as an overlord, and he declares himself a god. Fed up with Sheen's antics, Libby leaves him in a huff and Sheen tries to go after her.

In one final attempt to drain Sheen's brain, Carl and Jimmy disguise themselves as Ultra Lord to convince Sheen to change back and despite his new intelligence, Sheen's easily fooled. They try to convince Sheen to put the helmet on, but Sheen refuses to take any orders from them, and then it causes him to brutally strike Jimmy and Carl with a lightning bolt from his brain. Sheen floats over to Jimmy and Carl and he sees them lying on the ground, believing them to be dead. This causes a distraught Sheen to realize that his new powers have turned him into a monster, and he finally renounces his powers and intelligence. By putting the helmet back on his head, Sheen drains his own brain, restoring himself to normal and the town turns back to normal, as well. Sheen realizes that Jimmy and Carl are alive and then he apologizes for what he did. Jimmy and Carl accept his apology, but this doesn't stop Sheen from getting some comeuppance, as he starts getting painfully zapped by the Ultra Lord costume.

The next day at school, Sheen's back to his old self -- but since he passed the math final, he's at least no longer in danger of getting held back and can move on to the next grade alongside Jimmy, Carl and the rest of their friends/classmates. Once school's done for the day, Sheen admits to his friends that he's really happy about being back to normal, claiming that when he was a genius, there was "too much pressure" to use his high intellect -- Jimmy and Carl are also glad that Sheen's okay. Jimmy invites Carl and Sheen over to his house so they can all hang out together, but Sheen politely declines under the claim of having accepted a job offer the previous day -- the episode ends with Sheen teaching a science class at the local university (with his name spelled on the chalkboard with plenty of spelling errors).

Home Media[]



  • The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius: Season 2


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  • This episode premiered in the U.S. as the first episode of the "Jimmy Neutron-A-Thon!"-marathon event in March 2004.
  • Sheen firmly believes that Ultra Lord is real, even as a god.
  • Sheen becoming furious enough to almost kill his friends and then regretting it is probably a reference to the story, A King and His Hawk, wherein a king regrets murdering his dear friend, a hawk, who saved him from being poisoned.
  • In Sheen's history test, he mentions Ultra Lord defeated Megalon, a beetle-like Kaiju, that was actually defeated by Godzilla with the help of Jet Jaguar in "Godzilla vs. Megalon".
  • This is the first time one of the protagonists becomes evil; the next time will be in "The Tomorrow Boys".
  • This is the third time a character changes his personality and then goes back to normal: the first time was in "Normal Boy" and the second was in "Make Room for Daddy-O".
  • In this episode, Nick is being referred to by name for the first time since "Make Room for Daddy-O".
  • Judy is briefly seen as Sheen floats through the streets of Retroville.
  • Goddard makes a cameo in this episode where Sheen beats him at chess.
  • Captain Betty makes a cameo at the Candy Bar.
  • Sheen says "Ex-squeeze me", like Jar Jar Binks from Star Wars.
  • This episode is ranked #72 during the "Top 100 Greatest Moments In Nicktoon History".
  • This episode reveals that Sheen had an IQ of 32 prior to putting on the Brain Gain Helmet.
  • Sheen's answers on the history test are (verbatim):
    • "Ultra Lord is the futher of the hole Plannit."
    • "Episode 56-4 when Ultra Lord beet Megalon playing chess. His score was 4."
    • "On Plannit Xardan where Ultra Lord goes on vaycayshun."
    • "[...] on dragon [...] to use it as a hat [...] to small." - (The "[...]"-parts are not legible due to being covered by Sheen's fingers.)
    • "Ul[...]d's [...]er of corse" - (The "[...]"-parts are covered by Sheen's fingers.)
      • Here, the first part is more than likely "Ultra Lord's"
  • The scenes from the Ultra Lord Show are reused animations from the episode "Ultra Sheen".
  • When Sheen's head grows, he resembles Hector Hammond, an antagonist from DC Comics.
  • Hugh doesn't appear in this episode.
    • This is also the only episode where Judy appears without him.
  • Although this episode was released in 2004, the text "Copyright 2003 Viacom International, Inc." can be seen at the end of the credits. This means that the episode was produced in 2003.
  • Sheen's powers might be a reference to Tetsuo Shima's telekinetic abilities in the 1988 anime "Akira".


  • The Brain Drain 8000 already had the ability to change the IQ to a higher level, when Cindy used it on Jimmy (in Normal Boy) to restore his intelligence. There was no need to modify it.
  • Sheen saw Jimmy and Carl land next to the costume shop that had an Ultra Lord costume displayed in the front window, so he could have easily deduced that the suddenly appearing Ultra Lord is just them in a costume.
  • Sheen knows how to pronounce "IQ" in this episode, but he pronounces it as "ick" in the Planet Sheen episode, "Stuck in the Riddle With You".
  • Despite Ms. Fowl's claim that Sheen's answers to the math test are right, there is at least one question he answered incorrectly:
    • Question No. 7: "25 ⵔ 18"
      • Sheen's answer: "25 < 18"
      • Correct answer: "25 > 18"

Animation Errors[]

  • At the Candy Bar, Sam claims that there are 12,082 beans in the jar, but they are not modeled correctly.
  • When Jimmy meets Carl and Sheen at the Candy Bar, he carries the correct model of the brain drain helmet. However, when the kids all shout "No, we don't!" in response to Sheen's claim that everyone loves his new self, Jimmy suddenly holds the wrong model of the brain drain helmet (i.e. the model of the brain gain helmet). Shortly after (when Jimmy says: "Trust me, Sheen ..."), he is holding the correct model again.
The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius Season 2 episodes
A Beautiful Mine | Sorry, Wrong Era | The Retroville 9 | Grumpy Young Men | Operation: Rescue Jet Fusion | Nightmare in Retroville | Monster Hunt | Jimmy for President | Return of the Nanobots | Holly Jolly Jimmy | Love Potion 976/J | Sheen's Brain | Maternotron Knows Best | Send in the Clones | The Great Egg Heist | The Feud | Out, Darn Spotlight | The Junkman Cometh | Foul Bull | The Science Fair Affair | Men at Work | The Mighty Wheezers | Billion Dollar Boy | Win, Lose and Kaboom!